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London Design Week From An Outdoor Perspective

Last week was London Design Week, a great opportunity to get new ideas and inspiration for your next garden project. We visited to join the design workshop, ‘Paradise Found: Inside and Out’ with garden designer Stephen Woodhams and lighting designer Sanjit Bahra of Design Plus Light, interviewed by Network editor Sophia Salaman.

Bringing the Outside In and the Inside Out
The overwhelming theme throughout the workshop was the importance of collaboration between interior and exterior design in the home, and the amazing results that can be gained from great teamwork between interior designers, architects, garden designers and lighting designers.
It is hard to miss the trend of bringing the outside into the home with the rise in popularity of house plants, floral wallpapers and fabrics. On entering the Design Centre you pass through a display of wisteria and inside there are stunning scented hyacinths and narcissi in raised planters and huge trees in planters around the central areas.

We also saw some gorgeous examples of bringing the inside out by extending features from the interior design into the outside space such as the flooring material, a bespoke table made from the same material as the kitchen worktop and mirrors in the same style frames as the windows and doors.
All agreed that these elements create a feeling of having more space in smaller properties and that being surrounded by nature creates a sense of calm that is really good for well-being in our screen focused age.
Brands we loved at London Design Week:
- Stunning outdoor furniture that can match your trellis at McKinnon and Harris

- Gorgeous wickerwork at Nicholas Haslam Outdoor Collection

- Sutherland Perennials Louis Chair – brings the inside outside with its upholstered style – would look great with our Trellis and bespoke pergolas.

- Sutherland Perennials Carbon Recliner – great for very modern gardens – pair it with our slatted panels.
- Buttercup yellows from Holly Hunt at Fox Linton Splashes of colour and stunning neutrals in the Nina Campbell collection for Summit

Design Trends to Inspire You:
- Cacti – cactus gardens are really fashionable and low maintenance. We loved the fabric cacti at Zimmer + Rohde
- Wickerwork and Bamboo – as seen at Roma and Nicolas Haslam
- Citrus Fruit as per the amazing wallpaper from Cole & Son
- Cocktails / Mid-Century Modern – how about a bespoke outdoor cocktail cabinet or bar?
- House plants – still huge in the interior design world – see new illustrated wallpaper from Scion Living and the plants at so many of the showrooms.

Final Thought:
Our favourite quotes from the workshop came from garden designer Stephen Woodhams who said, “every garden needs a shed” and “I love trellis. I think it is going to come back big time”. You heard it here first!
Shop our sheds and trellis online now or get in touch to discuss a bespoke project.